I will share and explain here my first trading strategy which had work well in my first production ready cryptocurrencies trading bot, and which is still alive today (take on look bellow) and running since end of 2016 ! ( Edit: I stop this bot in mid 2020 )
This trading bot and the strategy was definitively for HODLER, and assume that the current average current price of the coin you HODL (coin that the bot will trade) is higher than your initial buy price.
It is very dumb strategy, but this one work very well (more often) in the past when all the altcoin market was crazy !
In 2016, please remember how altcoins get +100% and -100% in a day easy because they were a lot of pump and dump and bitcoin dominance was very high (> 80%) with a bitcoin price low (between $350 to $800).
This strategy was initially setup to run on Poloniex exchange, but in this tutorial I will treat Binance exchange.
I ended to code a web interface using python Flask module to keep track, and survey all my robot action, and it is still functional

Please take a look on the next article to know more about this simple trading strategy.